Individualiser l’Analgésie
Le score PPI au bloc opératoire et en réanimation
1. Pupillometry-guided Intraoperative Remifentanil Administration versus Standard Practice Influences Opioid Use: A Randomized Study.
Nada Sabourdin; Jérôme Barrois; Nicolas Louvet; Agnès Rigouzzo; Marie-Laurence Guye; Christophe Dadure; Isabelle Constant.
Anesthesiology August 2017, Vol. 127, 284–292.
2. Multiparametric Monitoring of Hypnosis and Nociception-Antinociception Balance during General Anesthesia-A New Era in Patient Safety Standards and Healthcare Management
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3. Monitoring von Schmerz, Nozizeption une analgesie unter Allgemeinanasthesie, Dr. F von Dincklage
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5. Monitoring of the intraoperative analgesia by pupillometry during laparoscopic splenectomy for splenic hydatid cyst
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6. Effect site concentrations of remifentanil and pupil response to noxious stimulation.
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7. Association between intraoperative opioid administration and 30-day readmission.
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8. Monitoring of nociception: is more always more?
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9. Intraoperative Analgesia-Nociception Monitors: Where We Are and Where We Want To Be
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10. Immediate postoperative pain can also be predicted by pupillary pain index in children
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11. Prediction of movement to surgical stimulation by the pupillary dilatation reflex amplitude evoked by a standardized noxious test
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12. Effects of Ketamine on Pupillary Reflex Dilation: A Case Report
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13. Higher doses of intraoperative analgesia are associated with lower levels of persistent pain and less analgesic consumption six months after total hip arthroplasty
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14. Pupillometric Monitoring of Nociception in Cardiac Anesthesia
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15. Pupillometry pain index decreases intraoperative sufentanyl administration in cardiac surgery
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16. Pain assessment by pupil dilation reflex in response to noxious stimulation in anaesthetized adults
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17. Guiding Opioid Administration by 3 Different Analgesia Nociception Monitoring Indices During General Anesthesia Alters Intraoperative Sufentanil Consumption and Stress Hormone Release: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
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18. Pupillary reflex dilation in response to incremental nociceptive stimuli in patients receiving intravenous ketamine
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19. Pupillary reflex measurement predicts insufficient analgesia before endotracheal suctioning in critically ill patients
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20. Pupillary Pain Index Changes After a Standardized Bolus of Alfentanil Under Sevoflurane Anesthesia: First Evaluation of a New Pupillometric Index to Assess the Level of Analgesia During General Anesthesia
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21. Pharmacodynamic modelling of the effect of remifentanil using the Pupillary Pain Index
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22. Pupillometry to detect pain response during general anaesthesia following unilateral popliteal sciatic nerve block: A prospective, observational study.
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23. Evaluation of Nociception Using Quantitative Pupillometry and Skin Conductance in Critically Ill Unconscious Patients: A Pilot Study
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24. Using Pupillary Pain Index to Assess Nociception in Sedated Critically Ill Patients
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25. The use of pupillometry as monitoring of intraoperative analgesia in the consumption of analgesics during the first 12 hours after surgery
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26. Reflex pupillary dilatation in response to skin incision and alfentanil in children anaesthetized with sevoflurane: a more sensitive measure of noxious stimulation than the commonly used variables
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27. Nociception monitor-guided opioid administration in radical retropubic prostatectomy. Manufacturer’s response to Br J Anaesth 2020; 126: 516e24
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28. Relationship between pre-incision Pupillary Pain Index and post-incision heart rate and pupillary diameter variation in children
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29. Nociception assessment with videopupillometry in deeply sedated intensive care patients: Discriminative and criterion validations
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30. The pupillary dilation reflex to a nociceptive stimulus as a tool for analgesia management: A diagnostic study
Yolanda López de Audícana-Jimenez de Aberasturi, Ana Vallejo-De la Cueva, Nerea Aretxabala-Cortajarena, Cesar Rodriguez-Nuñez, Pedro María Pelegrin-Gaspar, Zuriñe Itsaso Gil-Garcia, Jose Rodriguez-Borrajo, Alejandra Azahara Margüello-Fernandez, Naiara Parraza-Diez PhD, Epidemiology.
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31. Objective assessment of the immediate postoperative analgesia using pupillary reflex measurement: a prospective and observational study.
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31. Objective assessment of the immediate postoperative analgesia using pupillary reflex measurement: a prospective and observational study.
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32. Comparison of remifentanil consumption in pupillometry-guided versus conventional administration in children: a randomized controlled trial
33. Comparison of different monitors for measurement of nociception during general anaesthesia: a network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
34.The comparison of pupillometry to standard clinical practice for pain and preemptive analgesia before endotracheal suctioning: A randomized controlled trial
Yolanda López-de-Audícana-Jimenez-de-Aberasturi a b c, Ana Vallejo-De-la-Cueva b c, Cristina Bermudez-Ampudia b, Ines Perez-Francisco d, Miren Begoña Bengoetxea-Ibarrondo e, Naiara Parraza-Diez f b g
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing Volume 88, June 2025, 103975
35. Feasibility of the pupillary pain index as a guide for depth of analgesia during opioid-sparing anesthesia with continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine
Martino Stefanini, Elena Cagnazzi, Stefano Calza, Nicola Latronico & Francesco A. Rasulo
Journal of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Critical Care volume 3, Article number: 27 (2023)